How To Turn Reading Into Learning
This graphic is from the fall 2017 issue of HSL.
Get uncomfortable with the absurdity of human existence and the essential Camus reading list.
There’s no one right way to use all that reading you already do to help your kids absorb information, think critically, and start making connections, but here are six strategies to get you started.
Trace the literary history of vampires in popular fiction.
It’s been 300 years since Daniel Defoe introduced the world to the globe-trotting adventures of an Englishman with serious wanderlust. We keep reading his story because there are so many different ways to read it.
What were people searching for on HSL in September?
Our family book club has been a great part of our homeschool life for the past seven years. Here’s how you can start a book club for your family.
Maggie has some great ideas for giving your student’s writing a boost with a combination of project-based learning and community service.

Amy Sharony is the founder and editor-in-chief of home | school | life magazine. She's a pretty nice person until someone starts pluralizing things with apostrophes, but then all bets are off.
A love of reading comes naturally for some kids and not-so-naturally for others, but you can do a lot to make your home a space where reading is an important part of everyday life.